

This is my train TRAINS...
Collecting toy trains.
This is my plane PLANES...
See my plane and read about my flying adventures.
Other Fancy Stuff OTHER FANCY STUFF...
Genealogy and my summer hangout
Send me a message Send me e-mail


Here's Tom

Here's Tom
and I am also

Choo Choo Grandpa

If it says
"Made in the USA"
then buy it - otherwise ?

In case you don't know, I was in the computer industry but now I just play with computers. Enough said about that - lets get to the fun stuff!!!


I collect things - all kinds of things. For example I am a train collector. I collect Lionel and other toy trains. 'Take the train' link on the left (or the picture) to get to more train stuff.

I am also a pilot and collect airplanes. I sold my tail dragger and now have only one plane. 'Fly that plane' link to read some of my flying adventures in my first plane. Now I will have to create some adventures in my Cessna 172.

I am also involved in other activities such as Genealogy and down hill ski racing and hiking and our newest adventure is RVing. We bought an  RV. You can find out more on the Other Fancy Stuff page. (Take a balloon ride.)

My Grandaughter had a major concussion in 2009. See her story and find helpful information on concussions. Talk Concussions As of August 2013 we have moved to San Jose CA with our other grandaughter who is also swimming with the Santa Clara Aquamaids.

To reduce the spam I have hidden the e-mail address. Edit as follows:

tarsen at winternet dot com
Change at to @ change dot to .
Remove all spaces

  Home   tarsen at winternet dot com See home page