5th Annual ARRL Assimilated emergency test conducted in
conjunction with Civilian Defense Red Cross officials. Test planned and
conducted by Benjamin F. Swezey, Jr. (W0-RAG), EC for MARC of Hennepin
MARC stands for "Mobile Amateur Radio Corps" and is a
group of volunteer "Ham" radio operators who provide emergency back up
communication service to the Hennepin County Sheriff's Office. Benjamin
F. Swezey, Jr., my dad, was an early and long term member of MARC.
Minnesota State Governor C. Elmer Anderson bending forward (second
from the right with the white button). The officer is Col. Vec Phillips,
C.A.P. My Dad is in back, second from left with the white CD arm band.
My Dad taking charge (holding the microphone).
My Dad checking the equipment (in front).
My Dad working the radio (in back).
Click here to e-mail me at: swezeyt@winternet.com
(c) 12/05/98 by Thomas F. Swezey