Basic Data
- Troop Number: 366
- Council: Viking (Minnesota)
- Chartered: now in our 39th year
- Host Organization: Atonement Luthern Church
- Location: 98th & Portland, Bloomington, Minnesota, 55420
- Meetings:
- Troop usually 1st & 3rd Mondays at 7p.m. at Atonment
- Patrol usually 2 & 4th Mondays (scheduled by Patrol leader)
- Size: 10 current scouts
- Advancement (94-95): 80% of scouts advanced at least one rank
- Senior Scout: Matt Meinke, Senior Patrol Leader
- Scoutmaster: Paul Stachour
- Contact Phone: 884-5977
- Contact EMail:
Main Focus (Interest)
Our interests vary because the troop's programs have been boy-driven
The Patrol Leader's Council choses and plans our activities.
Our current Merit-Badge focus is
the Hiking, Safety, and Family Life badges.
We usually have 4-5 camping outings each year.
- Fall: Either district campout or one of our own, often at
Nerstrand Woods south of Northfield
- Winter: Weekend in Lodge at Sterns Scout Camp
- Spring: Either district or own
- Summer: Have gone to ManyPoint Scout Camp each summer for
last 5 years or so. Will be at ManyPoint in 96,
planning for a different camp (most likely Tomahawk
of St.Paul's Indianhead Council) in 1997.
- Summer: family weekend, often at Carver Park
In the last three years, we have done the following activities:
- Played laser-tag at Star-Base Omega in Mall-of-America
- Saw "Sharks" in the Omntheater at Science Museum of Minnesota
- Participated in Jamboree-on-the-Air and Jamboree-on-the-net.
Equipment (and Condition)
We have three fully-furnished patrol boxes.
We have a big canvas tent used by the adults, and 3
2-person Eureka tents available for scouts who don't have their own.
We have 4 big tarps we use to cover patrol boxes, tables, etc. at
campouts. We have a big gas-fired blaster we use for quick heating
of community dishwater and rinse water.
Our Scout Population
Troop 366 is currently in a rebuilding stage.
There were a group of boys who became cub-scouts together,
and advanced pretty much as a group. Of this group,
4 have earned Eagle rank within the last 2 years, we also have
3 life scouts who will probably earn Eagle in 1996.
In a city-wide school re-organization,
the school where troop 366 did its recruiting was torn down
about 5 years ago. Since scout recruiting in Bloomington has
been done mainly through the schools, and there was no longer
a neighborhood school for us, and all other schools already had
troops, this has posed a recruiting issue for us.
Through greater involvement with the cub pack,
we believe that we have overcome this limitation,
at least for the near future. We invited the 2nd year Webelos
to our winter campout last year; we're working with 8 potential
new scouts joining 366 1966; we've got 4 new boys who
just moved into the neighborhood started with us in September.
- Dues: Several years ago the parents decided that annual dues
per boy was better than weekly or monthly dues. Workerships
are available (supervised community service at $5/hour) where
family needs so indicate.
Our Committee Chairman handles workerships.
- Fundraisers: Our big fundraiser is wreath-sales (+ similar items)
at Christmas. Profits go 50% to boy's camp-fund and 50% to troop
camp-fund. Those boys who wish may participate in the Council
popcorn sales, but we do not "push" it. We recently started a
can-recyling project with a local service club; we process and
recycle containers used for beverages from their club. We also
ask boys to collect their own cans and that of their neighbors.
This money is split 50-50 between the scouts participating on a given
day and the troop fund.
- Scout Accounts: Each boy has a camping
account, where his share of earned monies go. He may draw on
that for campouts and camping equipment if about a given level.
BSA troop 366 is in Dan Patch District,
Viking Council (Minnesota), USA.
Our 1996 summer-camp is scheduled for July 14..20 at
Many-Point Scout camp, near Ponsford (Northern Minnesota). We
have reserved a site with enough room for both ourseleves and
a partner troop.
We are looking for a troop interested in a home-and-home camping
exchange, preferably in 1996/7 and 1998. We have approval of Viking
Council and the International Division of BSA to seek a partner troop
interested in such an exchange. What country we would visit
is open, however our boy's preference is Europe.
We are aware that many European troups are mixed-sex, i.e., both
boys and girls. Such a troop, as well as an all-boy troop,
would be welcome with us and at Viking Council's
Many Point Scout Camp.
Our vision is for a roughly three-(might be four-) week visit
each year, structured as follows: (extra week is home or local trip)
- Summer of 1996 or 97: Some group of 5..10 visits us.
- 1 week: Both troops jointly at Many-Point
- 1 week: They stay in our homes, we host them at local places
- 1 week: They visit around someplace midwest USA by themselves
- Summer of 1998: Our group of of 5..10 visits them.
- 1 week: Both troops jointly at their camping spot.
- 1 week: We stay in their homes, they set activites as they wish
- 1 week: We visit around someplace in their country
Some Scouting WWW References
My complete set of Scouting URLs
USA Boy Scouting Home-Page,
InterNETional Scouting Home-Page,
Scouting in Switzerland,
Scouting in Iceland,
A troop in Virginia,
A Girl-Scout troop in Massachusetts,
A Scoutmaster in the Netherlands, and
Flint River Council's
Camp Thunder in Woodbury, Georgia.
This page, found at
is maintained by
Paul Stachour ,
It was last updated on 04 Jun 1996