Welcome to 
Data Structures 
ICS 340 

Ada Photo Understanding data structures is fundamental to understanding software engineering. According to measurements, between 10% and 40% of the source lines of a typical large application system are composition of one or more of the fundamental data structures. Most of this is redesigned and rewritten, not reused.
Data Structures ICS340 at Metro State

What is ICS340?

ICS340  is the number for a data structures class taught at Metro State University in the Twin Cities (of Minneapolis and St.Paul). This class is different than many in that students are allowed to use Pascal, C, or another language allowed by the instructor. The reality is that most data structures work in most applications is recoded time after time because the interfaces are not designed to be necessary and sufficient for the many conditions under which they may be used. In this class, as we study the basic data structures, we shall also sample some topics towards understanding the needs of composition and replacement. In this class, I advocate the use of Ada , here's why.

 Assignment Information

Index Questions Top
Most of the assignments are handed out in hard-copy. That which is online is in the asn subdirectory. Here is some additional material for:


Assignments Examples Index
I maintain a FAQ -- Frequently Asked Questions -- from my students. I prefer to receive questions by Email to stachour@winternet.com, thus I can respond not only to the student asking but to all of the students. For those who know Pascal and want to try Ada, there is a short mapping in the file pas2ada.txt


Assignments Examples Index
Here are the examples in subdirectory exp.


Examples Bottom Index
The documentation is in the directory doc.


Examples Bottom Index
The best way to contact me is via EMail to stachour@winternet.com. If you are in my class, you also have some alternate ways, which you will find in the class handout.

ICS 340 questions or comments: Contact Paul Stachour at Stachour@winternet.com
Website comments: Contact webmaster@ics340.msus.edu
© 1999 Paul Stachour
WWW Home Page for Twin Cities Chapter of ACM's SIGAda
Last modified February 16, 1999