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Who am I

Fran Stachour is library circulation clerk at the Hennepin County, MN Southdale Area Library
Search the Hennepin County Library Catalog (Login as "Library" or "search").

She does genealogy research in her "spare" time.

To reach her, you can Email to fjstachour @ earthlink .net, where she now has her own mailbox.

What are my interests?

I am a former Girl Scout Leader and Service Unit Manager. **URL to come.**
I mange the web pages for the John Witherspoon Chapter of the MN Society, Daughters of the American Revolution. The NSDAR now has a Home Page for you to visit

I subscribe to the genealogy mailing list found at

The main family I am researching is JOBES

Where do I visit on the Web?


These are not necessarily Genealogy-related, but may be helpful

These Geneaology sites are outside of the US:

Places of General Interest

Libraries On-Line

German Postal Codes Lookup

If any of these don't work, let me know and I will try to find the correct address.
Last updated 27 Dec 1996 This page, whose URL is "", is maintained by Fran Stachour.