Who am I?
Armeele Boisseau was a foreign exchange student
in the Stachour household, attending Kennedy High School,
in Bloomington, Minnesota during the 1991-92 school year.
She arrived here in Bloomington in August, 1991,
and left in June, 1992, returning to France.
We miss you, Armelle.
What are my interests?
Armelle is interested in music(violin),
volleyball, and biological sciences.
Where am I from?
Armelle is from
Mayenne, France,
in the Loire Valley in France.
She can be reached through her parent's home at the address:
Armelle Boisseau
12, Residence de Plein Mer,
F-53100 Mayene, France.
We visited Armelle in France in 2003.
She had received her M.D. degree and gotten married.
Contratulations, Armelle.