is a Computer Professional Organization whose full name is "Twin Cities (of Minneapolis and St.Paul) chapter of the ACM's(Association for Computing Machinery) SIG (Special Interest Group) about Ada (the Ada programming language, named after the world's first computer programmer).
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repackage and sell
GNAT, Ada95 Documentation, and Tutorials
on MS-DOS Diskettes and magnetic tape.
Ada -- The Language for a Complex World
Ada -- When your software to work
Ada95 -- The new Standard for Reliability
Ada95 -- The first Internationally Standardized Fully Object-Oriented Programming Language
Ada95 -- Cost-Effective and Portable with GNAT
CLAW provides an interface to Windows which is familiar to Ada 95 programmers. It removes the rough edges from the Win32 API, and puts an Ada face on Win32 programming. CLAW was designed to be tasking-safe, and to use Ada 95 features like exceptions and child packages effectively. In addition to providing lower-level objects similar to those found in the underlying API, it also provides higher-level objects which simplify programming and include capabilities missing from Win32.
This presentation will describe the CLAW bindings and their design, and how Ada 95 Windows applications would be designed using CLAW and its GUI builder. The CLAW design goals will be discussed, along with some of the techniques used to meet the goals. We will look at samples of applications written using CLAW, and we will look at how to use the CLAW builder to add a GUI to an existing application.
Attendees should be familiar with Ada programming, and have some familiarity with the OOP features in Ada 95.
About the author: Mr. Brukardt is President and Director of Technical Operations of RR Software, Inc., a pioneer in providing Ada compilers and tools for personal computers. He is the lead designer of many of RR's products, including CLAW. He was a founder of RRS, and has been involved in the Ada industry for nearly 17 years. He was the technical leader for one of the Ada 9x User-Implementor teams, and was instrumental in providing suggestions to the Ada 9x design team.
Mr. Brukardt has given presentations at many conferences and meetings, including TriAda, STC, and SIGAda local meetings.
Penn Lake Library may be reached by taking the Penn Avenue exit from Interstate 494 in Bloomington, and driving about 10 blocks south. At 88th street, turn right (west) for one block, then left(south), taking the 2nd driveway on the left to enter the parking lost. Alternatively, take the 90th street exit from Interstate 35W in Bloomington, and driving about 10 blocks west. Cross Penn Avenue, and turn right at the next street. Continue North towards 88th and the library. Before reaching 88th, turn right into the library parking lot.
This meeting is sponsored by TC ACM SIGAda, a Computer
Professional Organization whose full name is "Twin Cities (of Minneapolis
and St.Paul) chapter of the ACM's(Association for Computing Machinery)
SIG (Special Interest Group) about Ada (the Ada programming language, named
after the world's first computer programmer). For further information,
call: Mark Glewwe at 440-4558 (h) or 921-6090 (w), or visit our website
All TCSIGADA meetings are open to the public
Paul Stachour, President 612-884-5977 Mark Glewwe, Program 612-440-4558 Wayne Donaho, Treasurer 612-642-1878 Chad Broshar, Special Projects 612-871-1339 Elizabeth Strong, Member-At-Large 612-432-5599
This page, found at "" is maintained by Paul Stachour , tcsigada-webmaster.