My Tomica Prius Collection
(Updated 4/30/04)

 In Japan, Tomy makes a line of Hot Wheels-like cars called Tomica. There have been several Tomica models of the Prius, of both the classic '97-'03 Prius and the new '04 version. Below are pictures of my humble little collection. I purchased the purple classic Prius from J-List and the two 2004s came bundled together from ToyEast. Click on each thumbnail for a larger version in a new window.
Here they are all lined up together!
From the profile of each car you can see that the 2004s are more detailed, with the black molding around each window filled in. The classic Prius has a black strip on the bumper that was only on the original Prius when it was initially released in Japan.
Looking at the rear of the '04s reveals that there are even painted Toyota and Hybrid Synergy Drive logos! The hatchback also opens to reveal a semi-realistic interior...
The hood of the classic Prius opens to reveal some imprints that sort of look like the original THS system. The rear is logo free, but at least the tail lights are still painted.
The 2004 Prius is Tomica model #106, and the classic Prius is model #86. The classic version was also available in different colors and even as a police car, but I only have the basic purple model.  

This completes the tour of my collection, for now anyway... ;-)

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