
How to type "Prius" in Japanese
(Requires Windows XP)

Note: To see the Japanese on this page you must have a browser that supports Japanese and have it set to read the Japanese encoding. In IE6, this can be done under the View menu. If you have it set wrong, the Japanese will be gibberish.

Prius is spelled in Japanese using the following Japanese syllables:
pu (), 
ri (), 
u () and 
su ().
In order to type Prius in Japanese you must add the Japanese language to Windows' Language Options. Here's how:

1. Go to Control Panel and open "Regional and Language Options"

2. Click on the "Languages" tab. Make sure the two boxes relating to East Asian languages on the tab are checked. If they are not, check them and then click "Apply." You may need to wait as windows installs some files.

3. Click the "Details" button at the top of the Language tab.

4. You need to add Japanese to the "Installed Services" box. To do this, click the "Add" button and select Japanese in the top box of the window that pops up. The lower box should then automatically say Japanese. Click OK. Verify that Japanese is in the "Installed Services" box and click OK.

5. If things have gone as planed, you should see either a floating bar on the screen that says "EN English (United States)," or just the letters " EN" near the clock and icons on the task bar.

6. If you see the bar skip to step 7. If you see the " EN" on the taskbar, click on it and select "Show the Language bar."

7. Open Notepad or any XP universal text editor. MS Word 2000 or later should work, but you may need to adjust the language settings for MS Office first. WordPad should also work.

8. With your cursor ready to type in your text software, click on the "EN English" on the Language Bar and select  " JP Japanese."

9. Here's where things get complicated. Prius is written in Japanese using the Katakana script. On the Language bar you should see a capital A with "Input Mode" next to it. Click on this and select "Full-width Katakana."

10. Now you're all set to type! Simply type puriusu and then press enter. As you type the letters will be automatically converted to the correct symbols: プリウス. Type toyota and you'll get Toyota in Japanese: トヨタ

Have fun running this through Google using their language tools to seacrh!
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