© 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2005
triandrus triandra triandrum | 3 stamens | |||
tri | tri | pre | tres three | |
aner | andr | noun/m | ανηρ, ανδροϛ man; male; husband | |
us | adj | Latinizing suffix | ||
Elatine triandra Schkuhr Chrysobalanus triandrus (Sw.) Morales | ||||
triangularis triangularis triangulare | triangular | |||
tri | tri | pre | tres three | |
angularis | angular | adj | with handles or corners, angular | |
Talinum triangulare (Jacq.) Willd. Pityrogramma triangularis (Kaulfuss) Maxon | ||||
triangulatus triangulata triangulatum | triangular | |||
tri | tri | pre | tres three | |
angulatus | angulat | adj | with angles; angular | |
Callirhoe triangulata A.Gray | ||||
trianthophorus trianthophora trianthophorum | bearing 3 flowers | |||
tri | tri | pre | tres three | |
anthos | anth | noun/n | ανϑοϛ flower | |
o | o | cnct | connective vowel in botanical Latin, usually for Greek words but in some cases, such as color tingeing, for Latin words | |
phoros | phor | apar | phoreo φορεω (φερω) to carry, bring | |
us | adj | Latinizing suffix | ||
Triphora trianthophora (Sw.) Rydb. | ||||
trichocalyx trichocalyces | hairy calyxed | |||
thrix | trich | noun/f | ϑριξ, τριχοϛ hair, wool, bristle | |
o | o | cnct | connective vowel in botanical Latin, usually for Greek words but in some cases, such as color tingeing, for Latin words | |
calyx | calyc | noun/f | καλυξ, υκοϛ husk, covering, calyx | |
Romneya trichocalyx Eastw. | ||||
trichocarpus trichocarpa trichocarpum | hairy fruits | |||
thrix | trich | noun/f | ϑριξ, τριχοϛ hair, wool, bristle | |
o | o | cnct | connective vowel in botanical Latin, usually for Greek words but in some cases, such as color tingeing, for Latin words | |
carpos | carp | noun/m | καρποϛ fruit | |
us | adj | Latinizing suffix | ||
Carex trichocarpa Muhl. ex Willd. Hedysarum trichocarpum Stephan ex Willd. | ||||
trichogynus trichogyna trichogynum | hairy ovaries | |||
thrix | trich | noun/f | ϑριξ, τριχοϛ hair, wool, bristle | |
o | o | cnct | connective vowel in botanical Latin, usually for Greek words but in some cases, such as color tingeing, for Latin words | |
gyne | gyn | noun/f | γυνε woman, lady; wife; mistress; widow | |
us | adj | Latinizing suffix | ||
trichomanes trichomana | a Greek fern name | |||
trichomanes | trichoman | noun/n | τριχομανεϛ a maiden hair fern, perhaps Asplenium trichomanes | |
Asplenium trichomanes L. | ||||
trichophyllus trichophylla trichophyllum | hairy leaves | |||
thrix | trich | noun/f | ϑριξ, τριχοϛ hair, wool, bristle | |
o | o | cnct | connective vowel in botanical Latin, usually for Greek words but in some cases, such as color tingeing, for Latin words | |
phyllon | phyll | noun/n | φυλλον leaf; foliage | |
us | adj | Latinizing suffix | ||
Chrysopsis trichophylla (Nutt.) Ell. Batrachium trichophyllum (Chaix) F.W. Schultz Drepanocladus trichophyllus (Warnst.) Podp. | ||||
trichotomus trichotoma trichotomum | branching into 3 | |||
trichotomos | trichotom | ppar | trichotomeo τριχοτομεω to cut in three | |
us | adj | Latinizing suffix | ||
Euphorbia trichotoma Kunth Clerodendrum trichotomum Thunb. Galarhoeus trichotomus (Kunth) Small | ||||
tricoccum tricocca | something with three seeds | |||
tricoccum | tricocc | noun/n | τρικοκκον something with three seeds; Pliny: heliotrope | |
Allium tricoccum Soland. | ||||
tricolor tricolores | 3 colored | |||
tri | tri | pre | tres three | |
color | color | noun | color | |
Gilia tricolor Benth. | ||||
tricoloris tricolorum | of three color(s) | |||
tri | tri | pre | tres three | |
generative of color | color | noun | color | |
tricornis tricornis tricorne | 3 horned | |||
tri | tri | pre | tres three | |
cornis | corn | adj/ | cornu horn, antler | |
is adjectival suffix | ||||
Delphinium tricorne Michx. Paullinia tricornis Radlk. | ||||
tricuspidatus tricuspidata tricuspidatum | 3 pointed | |||
tri | tri | pre | tres three | |
cuspis | cuspid | noun/f | point; spear, stinger | |
atus | at | adj | adjectival suffix for nouns: possessive of or likeness of something (with, shaped, made)/ for verb participles: a completed action, -ed | |
Ampelopsis tricuspidata Sieb. & Zucc. Pelargonium x tricuspidatum L'Her. | ||||
tridentatus tridentata tridentatum | 3 toothed | |||
tri | tri | pre | tres three | |
dens | dent | noun/m | tooth | |
atus | at | adj | adjectival suffix for nouns: possessive of or likeness of something (with, shaped, made)/ for verb participles: a completed action, -ed | |
Artemisia tridentata Nutt. Hieracium tridentatum (Fries) Fries Convolvulus tridentatus L. | ||||
trifidus trifida trifidum | 3 divisions | |||
tri | tri | pre | tres three | |
fidus | fid | ppar | findo to cleave, split, separate, divide | |
Mitella trifida Graham Galium trifidum L. Convolvulus trifidus Kunth | ||||
triflorus triflora triflorum | 3 flowered | |||
tri | tri | pre | tres three | |
florus | flor | ppar | floreo to bloom, to flower | |
Calyptranthes triflora Alain Geum triflorum Pursh Cytisus triflorus L'Her. | ||||
trifoliatus trifoliata trifoliatum | 3 leaved | |||
tri | tri | pre | tres three | |
foliatus | foliat | adj | provided with or having leaves | |
Gillenia trifoliata (L.) Moench Silphium trifoliatum L. Porteranthus trifoliatus (L.) Britt. | ||||
trifoliolatus trifoliolata trifoliolatum | trifoliolate | |||
tri | tri | pre | tres three | |
folium | foli | noun/n | leaf | |
olus | ol | noun/m | substantive suffix for 1st & 2nd declention nouns: diminutive | |
atus | at | adj | adjectival suffix for nouns: possessive of or likeness of something (with, shaped, made)/ for verb participles: a completed action, -ed | |
Berberis trifoliolata Moric. Nabalus trifoliolatus Cass. | ||||
trifolius trifolia trifolium | 3 leaves | |||
tri | tri | pre | tres three | |
folius | foli | adj | folium leaf | |
Anemone trifolia L. Erodium trifolium Cav. Panax trifolius L. | ||||
trifurcatus trifurcata trifurcatum | forked into three | |||
tri | tri | pre | tres three | |
furca | furc | noun/f | a fork | |
atus | at | adj | adjectival suffix for nouns: possessive of or likeness of something (with, shaped, made)/ for verb participles: a completed action, -ed | |
Artemisia trifurcata Steph. ex Spreng. Gossypium trifurcatum Vollesen Lupinus trifurcatus C.P. Sm. | ||||
trigintipetalus trigintipetala trigintipetalum | 30 petals | |||
triginta | trigint | adj | thirty | |
i | i | cnct | connective vowel used by botanical Latin | |
petalum | petal | noun/n | πεταλον Mod L petal (Gk: leaf, tablet) | |
us | adj | Latinizing suffix | ||
trigonus trigona trigonum | 3 angled | |||
trigonus | trigon | adj | τριγωνοϛ three angled, triangular | |
Anhalonium trigonum F. A. C. Weber Cereus trigonus Haw. | ||||
trigynus trigyna trigynum | 3 ovaries | |||
tri | tri | pre | tres three | |
gyne | gyn | noun/f | γυνε woman, lady; wife; mistress; widow | |
us | adj | Latinizing suffix | ||
Alternanthera trigyna L. Arenaria trigynum (Vill.) Shinners | ||||
trilobatus trilobata trilobatum | 3 lobed | |||
tri | tri | pre | tres three | |
lobatus | lobat | adj | NL lobed | |
Rhus trilobata Nutt. Silphium trilobatum L. Dolichos trilobatus L. | ||||
trilobus triloba trilobum | 3 lobes | |||
tri | tri | pre | tres three | |
lobus | lob | noun/m | λοβοϛ Late L Greek: lobe of the ear; late Latin: husk, pod | |
us | adj | Latinizing suffix | ||
Asimina triloba (L.) Dunal Viburnum trilobum Marsh. Cocculus trilobus (Thunb.) DC. | ||||
trimestris trimestris trimestre | of 3 months | |||
trimestris | trimestr | adj | of or pertaining to 3 months | |
Lavatera trimestris L. | ||||
trinervatus trinervata trinervatum | 3 veined | |||
tri | tri | pre | tres three | |
nervus | nerv | noun/m | νευρον a sinew, tendon, nerve | |
atus | at | adj | adjectival suffix for nouns: possessive of or likeness of something (with, shaped, made)/ for verb participles: a completed action, -ed | |
Viola trinervata (T.J.Howell) T.J.Howell ex Gray Pediomelum trinervatum Rydb. | ||||
trinervius trinervia trinervium | 3veined | |||
tri | tri | pre | tres three | |
nervus | nerv | noun/m | νευρον a sinew, tendon, nerve | |
ius | i | adj | -ιοϛ adjective suffix for nouns: characteristic of, connected to, resembling, when related to -eus: of..., ...like | |
Marshallia trinervia (Walt.) Trel. Phoradendron trinervium (Lam.) Griseb. Phaseolus trinervius Wight & Arnott | ||||
triornithophorus triornithophora triornithophorum | 3 birdlike leaves | |||
tri | tri | pre | tres three | |
ornis | ornith | noun/c | ορνισ, ιϑοϛ a bird | |
o | o | cnct | connective vowel in botanical Latin, usually for Greek words but in some cases, such as color tingeing, for Latin words | |
phoros | phor | apar | phoreo φορεω (φερω) to carry, bring | |
us | adj | Latinizing suffix | ||
tripartitus tripartita tripartitum | 3 parts | |||
tri | tri | pre | tres three | |
partitus | partit | ppar | partio to part, apportion, divide | |
Calceolaria tripartita Ruiz & Pavon Philodendron tripartitum (Jacq.) Schott | ||||
tripetalus tripetala tripetalum | 3 petaled | |||
tri | tri | pre | tres three | |
petalum | petal | noun/n | πεταλον Mod L petal (Gk: leaf, tablet) | |
us | adj | Latinizing suffix | ||
Magnolia tripetala (L.) L. | ||||
triphyllus triphylla triphyllum | 3 leaved | |||
tri | tri | pre | tres three | |
phyllon | phyll | noun/n | φυλλον leaf; foliage | |
us | adj | Latinizing suffix | ||
Achlys triphylla (Sm.) DC. Arisaema triphyllum (L.) Schott Penstemon triphyllus Dougl. ex Lindl. | ||||
triplinervis triplinervis triplinerve | 3 veined | |||
triplus | tripl | adj | τριπλουϛ triple, threefold | |
i | i | cnct | connective vowel used by botanical Latin | |
nervus | nerv | noun/m | νευρον a sinew, tendon, nerve | |
is | adj | adjectival suffix | ||
Eupatorium triplinerve Vahl Ayapana triplinervis (Vahl) King & H.E. Robins. | ||||
triplinervius triplinervia triplinervium | three veined | |||
triplus | tripl | adj | τριπλουϛ triple, threefold | |
i | i | cnct | connective vowel used by botanical Latin | |
nervus | nerv | noun/m | νευρον a sinew, tendon, nerve | |
ius | i | adj | -ιοϛ adjective suffix for nouns: characteristic of, connected to, resembling, when related to -eus: of..., ...like | |
Bidens triplinervia Kunth | ||||
triquetrus triquetra triquetrum | 3 angled | |||
triquetrus | triquetr | adj | with 3 corners, triangular | |
Boerhavia triquetra S. Wats. Allium triquetrum L. | ||||
triradiatus triradiata triradiatum | three rayed | |||
tri | tri | pre | tres three | |
radiatus | radiat | ppar | with rays; shining | |
Bupleurum triradiatum Adams | ||||
trisectus trisecta trisectum | trisected | |||
tri | tri | pre | tres three | |
sectus | sect | ppar | seco to cut, cut off, cut up; divide, separate | |
tristichus tristicha tristichum | in 3 rows | |||
tri | tri | pre | tres three | |
stichos | stich | adj | στιχοϛ a row or line of things | |
us | adj | Latinizing suffix | ||
Meesia tristicha Bruch Eriogonum tristichum Small | ||||
tristis tristis triste | dull, sad | |||
tristis | trist | adj | sad, sorrowful, gloomy | |
Pelargonium triste (L.) L'Her. Gladiolus tristis L. | ||||
triternatus triternata triternatum | three times divided into three | |||
tri | tri | pre | tres three | |
ternus | tern | adj | in three's | |
atus | at | adj | adjectival suffix for nouns: possessive of or likeness of something (with, shaped, made)/ for verb participles: a completed action, -ed | |
Aquilegia triternata Payson Lomatium triternatum (Pursh) Coult. & Rose | ||||
triumphans triumphantis triumphante | splendid | |||
triumphans | triumphant | padj | triumphal | |
Rhododendron triumphans Yersin & A. Chev. | ||||
truncatus truncata truncatum | squarely cut off | |||
truncatus | truncat | ppar | trunco to main, cut off | |
Nothofagus truncata (Colenso) Cockayne Epiphyllum truncatum Haw. Carduus truncatus Greene | ||||
tsugifolius tsugifolia tsugifolium | Tsuga leaved | |||
tsuga | tsug | noun/f | Jap. Japanese name for hemlock spruce | |
i | i | cnct | connective vowel used by botanical Latin | |
folius | foli | adj | folium leaf | |
tubaeformis tubaeformis tubaeforme | trumpet shaped | |||
tuba | tub | noun/f | a straight trumpet as opposed to the curved 'cornu' | |
ae | ae | cnct | connective vowel sometimes used by botanical Latin instead of 'i' to distinguish between two words with the same root, e.g. tuba (trumpet) and tubus (tube); in some cases 'ae' is incorrectly used because it is the genitive singular suffix of the preceeding word but it should be corrected to 'i' | |
formis | form | adj | in botanical Latin a substantive suffix for nouns derived from 'forma': to be in the form or shape of... | |
Fritillaria tubaeformis Gren. & Godr. | ||||
tubatus tubata tubatum | trumpet like | |||
tuba | tub | noun/f | a straight trumpet as opposed to the curved 'cornu' | |
atus | at | adj | adjectival suffix for nouns: possessive of or likeness of something (with, shaped, made)/ for verb participles: a completed action, -ed | |
tuberculatus tuberculata tuberculatum | with tubercles, bumps | |||
tuberculum | tubercul | noun/n | a small bump or swelling | |
atus | at | adj | adjectival suffix for nouns: possessive of or likeness of something (with, shaped, made)/ for verb participles: a completed action, -ed | |
Acnida tuberculata Moq. Piper tuberculatum Jacq. Amaranthus tuberculatus (Moq.) Sauer | ||||
tuberculifer tuberculifera tuberculiferum | with tubercles, bumps | |||
tuberculum | tubercul | noun/n | a small bump or swelling | |
i | i | cnct | connective vowel used by botanical Latin | |
fer | fer | apar | fero to bear, carry, bring | |
Perstusaria tuberculifera Nyl. | ||||
tuberculosus tuberculosa tuberculosum | with tubercles, bumps | |||
tuberculum | tubercul | noun/n | a small bump or swelling | |
osus | os | adj | adjective suffix for nouns: plenitude or notable development | |
Aristida tuberculosa Nutt. Phebalium tuberculosum (F. Muell.) Benth. Eriostemon tuberculosus F. Muell. | ||||
tuberosus tuberosa tuberosum | tuberous | |||
tuber | tuber | noun/n | a lump, selling, tumor, hump | |
osus | os | adj | adjective suffix for nouns: plenitude or notable development | |
Asclepias tuberosa L. Allium tuberosum Rottl. Calopogon tuberosus (L.) B.S.P. | ||||
tubiflorus tubiflora tubiflorum | tubular flower | |||
tubus | tub | noun/m | a tube, pipe | |
i | i | cnct | connective vowel used by botanical Latin | |
florus | flor | ppar | floreo to bloom, to flower | |
Kalanchoe tubiflora (Harvey) Hamet Bryophyllum tubiflorum Harvey Penstemon tubiflorus Nutt. | ||||
tubiformis tubiformis tubiforme | tubular shaped | |||
tubus | tub | noun/m | a tube, pipe | |
i | i | cnct | connective vowel used by botanical Latin | |
formis | form | adj | in botanical Latin a substantive suffix for nouns derived from 'forma': to be in the form or shape of... | |
Odontonema tubiforme (Bertol.) Kuntze Sphinctrina tubiformis Massal. | ||||
tubispathus tubispatha tubispathum | tubular spathe | |||
tubus | tub | noun/m | a tube, pipe | |
i | i | cnct | connective vowel used by botanical Latin | |
spatha | spath | noun/f | σπαϑη broad double edged sword, saber | |
us | adj | Latinizing suffix | ||
Zephyranthes tubispatha Herbert Habranthus tubispathus (L'Her.) Traub | ||||
tubulosus tubulosa tubulosum | with small pipes | |||
tubulus | tubul | adj | a small pipe | |
osus | os | adj | adjective suffix for nouns: plenitude or notable development | |
Campanula tubulosa Lam. Hypericum tubulosum Walt. |