Genealogical Information about the Swezey Family

There are many variants on the Swezey family name.
Some spellings include: Sweezey, Sweezy, Swezy, Swesey, Sweesy, Swasey.

Nearly all of these families trace there genealogy back to one man: John Swezey who emigrated to America from England in 1629.

Here are some selected relevant topics:

  1. John L. Swesey's information tracing the Swesey name prior to 1629 to England and then to France back to 1474.
  2. What kind of name is Swezey? My best guess on the name's origin.
  3. Swezeytown, Long Island.Where is it now?
  4. Sweezyites The original "Holy Rollers" .
  5. Books about Swezeys Check out your local library.
  6. Links to related sites Other family members and friends.
  7. My Swezey Line
  8. Mystery TinTypes Who are these people?
  9. Psyllid Genus Swezeyana Otto H. Swezey and the Swezey bug

Please contact me if you have any information you would like to share regarding the Swezey family.

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(c) 1999 Thomas F. Swezey