Mean people suck
Guns don't kill people -- they just make it real easy
Jesus is coming -- look busy
Honk if you think I'm Jesus
Come the rapture, can I have your car?
I'm pro life-jacket and I boat
I'm proud to be an undercover CIA agent
Hang up and drive
Visualize using your turn-signals
Visualize whirled peas
Isis, Isis, Ra! Ra! Ra!
If guns are outlawed, only outlaws will shoot their kids accidently
I'm NOT in denial
Wake-up and smell the garbage
Pave the planet
Cancer cures smoking
A waist is a terrible thing to mind
Don't say bald -- say combing impaired
Please don't squeeze the shaman
Optimistic -- even in the face of reality
Another American for a work-free drug place
Only users lose drugs
A mime is a terrible thing to waste
Why experiment on animals when there are so many lawyers
I do whatever the little voices tell me to do
Bad Cop -- No Donut
668 Neighbor to the beast
333 -- the Sign of the Semi-Christ
Proudly serving my corporate masters